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Aimless Staring

Dear Readers,

Remember when you were little? Back when you thought to drive a car you had to violently jerk the steering wheel back and forth. Before the lessons of less is more? None of us could drive. So we sat in the back seat, or passenger seat as the case may be, and we stared. We stared at the landscape. We stared at the buildings. We stared at people on the street. We stared at clouds. We stared at people driving. Occasionally we managed to stare at another staring at us.

One thing I don’t remember seeing much of when I was staring, aimlessly, was other people staring. I mean, ya, plenty of little kids were staring out their windows. Probably imagining Jurassic Park and Godzilla scenarios happening right outside that car window. However, I don’t think I ever really saw adults or even teenagers staring aimlessly out their windows. Some of you might be thinking: What brought on this a) insightful thought or b) slightly emo thought? I thought of this because as Hedgehog was driving us back from the movies tonight I reverted back to my childish state of staring. Is there an age where this behavior is no longer accepted? Perhaps there was a massive chain text sent out around age 13 where everyone decided “Hey, look guys, we had a nice run of it but its time to call it. No more staring out the window”?

If so that would make sense, because I was the only 13-year-old without a cell phone at my school. This really drove me batty at the time. Although now I can see where my parents were coming from. I really wanted a phone since third grade, but after seeing all these kindergartener with iPhones all I can think of is: Who are you going to call? You’re five. You don’t have any peeps. At least none that aren’t made of marshmallow and covered in sugar.

Oops, I am getting off topic again.

Anyways, what do ya’ll think? Is there an age where you should stop staring out car windows? Should kindergartener have iPhones? Leave a message below in the comments after the **Beep** and I’ll try to get back to you. See what I did there? I’m sorry, that was very, very lame. That will never happen again.  Actually, it probably will, but one can hope.

