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Challenge Friday: Three Things.

Dear Readers,

We have our first reader submitted challenge!

If you could only bring three items with you on a trip. What would you bring, why and how would you use them?

So if I were on a trip to the alps, but my plane was struck down in a storm. Other than the clothes on my back, what would I bring to my little stranded island?

  1. Dora’s backpack. This thing just happens to carry everything! Want a chocolate bar? Fine, just sing a song. Need an umbrella? Sing the song. Granted the song would get very annoying after a while.Wait, I know how to get that obnoxious song out of my head! Get an iPod, granted, first you have to sing the song…
  2. A knife. Mostly because I don’t think a Disney backpack would carry the six-inch blade I require to cut things. You know like rope, trees, and things.
  3. The book The Complete Idiots Guide to Surviving Being Stranded on an Island so I can adapt to my surrounding. Also, because surviving sounds like an excellent idea. What fun would it be being dead on a deserted island? I’ll tell you what fun. None. None fun. Take that grammar!

So basically, I’m set for life now. Got my backpack who gives me everything I want. Oh, dang I think I have to pick my item out of a line up in spanish. Heres to hoping that four years of Spanish would get stuff. Haha, I knew that class had to be good for something! Got my knife, for cutting, slicing, dicing, all your basic knife needs. And I have my book. Yes, technically it hasn’t been written yet, but I have some time to get that to happen first before my trip.

Leave and ideas for next week’s Challenge Friday in the comments. Hedgehog and I will write about whatever you tell us to!

