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Dear Readers,

Now I know some of you think you are excellent procrastinators; however, I’m better by far. Allow me to explain. It’s not something I am proud of, but it should count as a talent. Maybe I’ll put it on the job applications? That’ll get me hired!

Anyways, currently level of procrastination is right below pulling an Oedipus and driving stakes into my eyes. To be specific, I have 11 essays to write. And 4 days to write them in. Using layman’s terms: “I am screwed.”

I would write more, but I should really get two of these written tonight. If you want to leave your own procrastination stories in The comments… I would appreciate it. We procrastinators need to stick together!!

Gah! I don’t want to write these essays… I’m boldly going where no squirrel has gone before. Perhaps this is one small step for a squirrel, one large leap for squirrel kind. Stop it, now I’m just procrastinating some more. (Feel free to leave your own little procrastination knock of if famous quotes in the comments)


A Writer’s Mission

Dear Readers,

Somethings I have always aspired to do. However, knowledge of my limitations have stopped me. For instance, I have always wanted to be a writer. I wished words flowed from me like snot from a sneeze. Sadly, I believe you can see how inelegant my writing is. It doesn’t help to have an older sister **Cough-cough** Hedgehog **cough-cough** who was always writing the most amazing stories.

I would sneak into her bedroom when she was gone and “hack” her laptop to see what she was writing. Perhaps hacking is the correct word since her password was whatever book character she was writing about. Really, it was a horrible security system.  Regardless, I would sneak into her room and read the current draft of whatever she was writing. Granted, sometimes they really, really sucked. absolutely putrid. I’m talking hazmat suit required rank toxic waste of writing. Sorry, Hedgehog, but you know its true. That’s why you stopped and never returned to those black abyss books.

Oops, I started rambling again. Allow me to cut to the chase scene. I have decided to start writing a novel. Eh, no, not quite a novel. A short story? No, somewhere in between a novel and a short story. For once, I want to start a short story and see it all the way through. This is going to be difficult isn’t it? Wish me luck. I have a strong inkling I will be requiring it.



Challenge Friday: Three Things.

Dear Readers,

We have our first reader submitted challenge!

If you could only bring three items with you on a trip. What would you bring, why and how would you use them?

So if I were on a trip to the alps, but my plane was struck down in a storm. Other than the clothes on my back, what would I bring to my little stranded island?

  1. Dora’s backpack. This thing just happens to carry everything! Want a chocolate bar? Fine, just sing a song. Need an umbrella? Sing the song. Granted the song would get very annoying after a while.Wait, I know how to get that obnoxious song out of my head! Get an iPod, granted, first you have to sing the song…
  2. A knife. Mostly because I don’t think a Disney backpack would carry the six-inch blade I require to cut things. You know like rope, trees, and things.
  3. The book The Complete Idiots Guide to Surviving Being Stranded on an Island so I can adapt to my surrounding. Also, because surviving sounds like an excellent idea. What fun would it be being dead on a deserted island? I’ll tell you what fun. None. None fun. Take that grammar!

So basically, I’m set for life now. Got my backpack who gives me everything I want. Oh, dang I think I have to pick my item out of a line up in spanish. Heres to hoping that four years of Spanish would get stuff. Haha, I knew that class had to be good for something! Got my knife, for cutting, slicing, dicing, all your basic knife needs. And I have my book. Yes, technically it hasn’t been written yet, but I have some time to get that to happen first before my trip.

Leave and ideas for next week’s Challenge Friday in the comments. Hedgehog and I will write about whatever you tell us to!

